From the shite filled gob of nazoid PAEDO ANDREW 'ANDRZEJ' BARON ("Reverend/SHEIN..."): PAEDO PRIEST report! Roman Catholic Priests Will Not Break Confession to Report Child Abuse! (1115)
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White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka SHEIN
2025-02-28 17:02:44 UTC

In June 2019, the Catholic Church in Birmingham, U.K. was embroiled in
scandal after the sex abuse inquiry found that the Archdiocese of Birmingham
had protected priests accused of abuse by "repeatedly" failing to alert police
to allegations. The inquiry examined 134 allegations of child sexual abuse
made against 78 individuals - many of whom are no longer - since the mid 1930s.
Thirteen individuals were convicted.
Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron (aka SHEIN)
2025-02-28 17:32:28 UTC
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:02:44 +0000 (UTC), ***@shell02.TheWorld.com
(White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid paedo
Post by White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka SHEIN
In June 2019, the Catholic Church in Birmingham, U.K. was embroiled in
scandal after the sex abuse inquiry found that the Archdiocese of Birmingham
had protected priests accused of abuse by "repeatedly" failing to alert police
to allegations. The inquiry examined 134 allegations of child sexual abuse
made against 78 individuals - many of whom are no longer - since the mid 1930s.
Thirteen individuals were convicted.
Die Juden sind unser Unglück.
- Heinrich Gotthard Freiherr von Treitschke (1834-1896)
Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron (aka SHEIN)
2025-02-28 19:01:44 UTC
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:02:44 +0000 (UTC), ***@shell02.TheWorld.com
(White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid paedo
Post by White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka SHEIN
In June 2019, the Catholic Church in Birmingham, U.K. was embroiled in
scandal after the sex abuse inquiry found that the Archdiocese of Birmingham
had protected priests accused of abuse by "repeatedly" failing to alert police
to allegations. The inquiry examined 134 allegations of child sexual abuse
made against 78 individuals - many of whom are no longer - since the mid 1930s.
Thirteen individuals were convicted.
Die Juden sind unser Unglück.
- Heinrich Gotthard Freiherr von Treitschke (1834-1896)
Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron (aka SHEIN)
2025-03-01 13:26:50 UTC
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:02:44 +0000 (UTC), ***@shell02.TheWorld.com
(White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid paedo
Post by White Human Christians against subhuman spamming/forging nazoid paedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron aka SHEIN
In June 2019, the Catholic Church in Birmingham, U.K. was embroiled in
scandal after the sex abuse inquiry found that the Archdiocese of Birmingham
had protected priests accused of abuse by "repeatedly" failing to alert police
to allegations. The inquiry examined 134 allegations of child sexual abuse
made against 78 individuals - many of whom are no longer - since the mid 1930s.
Thirteen individuals were convicted.
Die Juden sind unser Unglück.
- Heinrich Gotthard Freiherr von Treitschke (1834-1896)